They suggest solutions to many current problems and disclose information about some of our most perplexing mysteries. Eisenhower, representatives from the Galactic Alliance and Zorra from Hollow Earth.

Masaru Emoto, Mahatma Gandhi, Nicolai Tesla, U.S. Robert Oppenheimer, Leonardo da Vinci, U.S. Ted Mahr, a gifted psychic, channeled Messages From the Masters which contains profound messages of wisdom from the other side about our bright future and how we will manifest it! The Masters are a who's who of the greatest minds of our time, and include Professor Albert Einstein, Michele de Nostradamus, J. So, sit back and enjoy this great read! The 20 masters contributing their stories are: Debra Ashton, Bruce Bigelow, Joseph Bull, Reynolds Cafferata, Marc Carmichael, Joe Chickey, Bryan Clontz, Pamela Davidson, Laura Hansen Dean, Lorraine del Prado, Vincent Fraumeni, Johni Hays, Larry Katzenstein, Frank Minton, Sheryl Morrison, Jeremy Pharr, Clinton Schroeder, Charles Schultz, Charles Slamar, and Eddie Thompson. Through reading the dozens of lessons offered by bright stars in the universe of charitable gift planning, you'll soak up their sage advice and new light will shine and lead you to success at the highest level. The Masters reveal how one can transform raw ideas, special situations, selfless desires, and inspired donors into celebrated outcomes and even tears of joy. Prominent charitable gift planning professionals across the United States have come together to share these incredible, real-life examples from their decades of experience. Message From the Masters is a rich collection of heartwarming, philanthropic stories of everyday people impacting others' lives through their gifts to their favorite charities.